Hello! I'm Heidi Sprouse and I am a software developer in Nashville, TN.
To be an exceptional software developer you
can't simply regurgitate code, you must be
imaginative! I started my career journey in
graphic arts, but have found that I appreciate
efficient code just as much as a beautiful
design. I enjoy diving into any part of the
development process, be it layout design,
user experience, database structure, or the
code itself! In this dynamic era I believe that
my flexibility makes me a valuable member of
any team.
Skill Set
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- React
- C#
- Bootstrap
- mySQL
- SQL Server Express
- Entity Framework Core
- GitHub
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Illustration
- Layout Design
- Typography
- Game Design
- Teamwork
- Remote Work
- Management
- Training
ibbits See it live!
An ode to my childhood growing up in the days of Tamagotchi and Pokémon, ibbits is a browser-based game where users can raise a virtual creature. My goal was to create a game where each individual creature is unique. Each "ibbit" has its own personality, hobbies, and appearance.- Built in PHP with a mySQL database for storage of user data
- Implemented Fetch API to allow for data manipulation without having to refresh the page for every change
- Utilized CSS3 and media queries to create a responsive design that works on both mobile and desktop computers
- Used JavaScript for modals, menus, and other dynamic UI elements
GeckoSpot View on GitHub
GeckoSpot is a single-page application that allows users to manage their pet leopard geckos. In theory this app could be used to track any type of pet, but I chose geckos because of their complex feeding habits, genetic color traits, and amusing antics. Users can add a gecko to their collection, track its meals and weight, add photos, look at genetically related geckos, and buy, sell, and trade them in the marketplace.- Built in React with a JSON server for persistent data storage.
- Utilized Cloudinary for the image uploads
- Created a line-chart to represent a gecko's weight using Chart.js
- Styling was done with Reactstrap with some CSS animations for a dash of whimsy
Thank you so much for visiting! I'd love to chat about new opportunities,
coding, design, or game development! Drop me a line anytime!